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Many hands make light work – Gallery installation underway

The installation of the Gallery was made possible by the efforts of many local and overseas supporters, the Sarawak Museum and service providers

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Many hands make light work – Gallery installation underway

It was a wonderful sight to behold in the weeks preceding the Gallery launch - the many supporters and trades coming together to install and assemble the numerous displays, amidst a typically chaotic construction environment.  An assembly line of sorts was set up with glass cases being installed, display boards built up, panels hung on partition walls and the final positioning of exhibits.  The installation of the Gallery would not have been possible without the efforts of many and the local 'gotong-royong' (mutual cooperation) spirit was truly inspiring.

22 September 2016

Friends of the Trust

Friends of the trust

Friends of the Trust have made large contributions over the past year to the development of the Rebuilding Royalist Project, the Brooke Gallery, and the digitisation of historic papers